
Its a room full of pictures and molasses. Its been that way for quite some time now. I need to enter it everyday, and it's always difficult to remove myself. Its so binding, and the images are so vivid. How do I even begin to clean this filth? There aren't even any windows in the room. The door locks up when I come in. I can hear laughter, oh so familiar laughter. There isn't an inch of the walls that is absent of photographs. And every day I need to trap myself in here. I need someone to help me find solace, its obvious I cant do it by myself.

I have tried. I have tried desperately to get out of this gunk, this entrapping substance. Its as strong as any emotion, it even emulates them. I am powerless against it, and my eyes are adjusting to the dense dark before my eyes. I have a custom concern for my well being at this time, and its time to break out. Lend me a hand, Ill be taking my time to separate myself from these pictures.

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